How to build
A Web Framework
From Scratch
Jiayuan Zhang CSDN Python Developer's Day 2019.04
Who am I
- Backend Developer at iQiyi.Inc
- Work with Python (Flask) and JavaScript (TypeScript, Vue.js)
- Open Source Contributor (requests, werkzeug)
- 什么是 Web 框架
- 什么是 WSGI
- 从零开始构建一个 Web 框架
什么是 Web 框架
A web framework (WF) or web application framework (WAF) is a
software framework that is designed to support the development
of web applications including web services, web resources, and web APIs.
-- from Wikipedia
什么是 Web 框架
A web framework (WF) or web application framework (WAF) is a
software framework that is designed to support the development
of web applications including web services, web resources, and web APIs.
-- from Wikipedia
什么是 Web 框架
简单来讲,Web 框架能够让你更方便地编写 Web Application。
Web 框架提供的功能
- Request & Response 对象
- 路由管理
- 模板引擎
- 对象关系映射(ORM)
- ...
什么是 WSGI
- Web Server Gateway Interface
- PEP 333 & PEP 3333
- 定义了 Web server, application, middleware 之间通讯的接口协议
- 不是某个具体的框架,只是一种协议
WSGI 协议的目的
The goal of WSGI is to faciliate easy interconnection of existing server and applications or frameworks
, not to create a new web framework.
提供了通用的规范,保证 Web Application 能够运行在各种符合协议的 Web Server 上。
Application/Framework 端协议
- App 必须是一个可调用(callable)对象
- 接受两个参数:
和 start_response
- 返回值是一个字节序列: